
Kings and Paupers ~ an essay by Bob Hartman

March 28, 2023

Gender-related  Topics Contributed by Bob Hartman Tiny URL to share link by pasting in your own website, an email or a text  < > Kings and Paupers by Bob Hartman We men are kings and paupers. We are scientists and thinkers and makers. We are Renoir and Einstein, philosophers and the Magellans of old; […]

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The curious idea that a two-cell fertilized human egg is legally a “person” with constitutional rights

August 13, 2022

Originally posted on August 7th, 2022 ~ 4-minute read Faith Gibson, LM Part I (of III) The curious idea that a two-cell fertilized human egg is legally a “person” with constitutional rights Assuming that the two microscopic cells pictured above are genetically normal and healthy, and they safely negotiate the journey down through one […]

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The curious idea that a two-cell fertilized human egg is legally a “person” with constitutional rights

August 7, 2022

Easy-to-share Tiny URL ~ by faith gibson, LM Assuming that the two microscopic cells pictured above are genetically normal and healthy, and they safely negotiate the journey down through one of their mother’s fallopian tubes to her uterus, and then successfully implant themselves into one of its walls, AND assuming the pregnant woman in whom […]

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Dear Gang of Five: Be careful what you wish for, … you just might get more than you bargained for!

June 26, 2022

Easy-2-share Tiny URL ~ Spoiler alert #1: This post uses one of the few enumerated rights in the US Constitution still equally available to both genders. Unabashedly and relentlessly, I will be using my right to “free speech” to lobby for the impeachment of the Gang of Five — Alito, Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Thomas. Henceforth, they shall be known by the […]

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Men & older Teens ~ Don’t ejaculate in the birth canal unless you want to raise a baby!

June 20, 2022

Three minute read  Easy-to-share link using Tiny URL https://tinyurl/ukh4bd43 Men & older Teens ~ Don’t ejaculate in the birth canal if you don’t want to raise a baby! As a responsible man or older teen, you can personally and quickly eliminate the problem of unplanned pregnancies & non-medical abortions: All you have to do is […]

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Putin ~ the unique politics of Russia & long-held religious belief that is was its divine destiny to rule the world

March 14, 2022

Putin: The Russian Hitler  Putin’s endeavor to take over the world in the   the context of Russia’s history, politics and long-held religious belief that it has a God-given divine destiny to rule the world @@ @ @@ Note: The above was written before Putin invaded Ukraine February 24th, 2022.  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To understand the critical role of […]

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